What ‘dieting' does NOT mean

Dieting is popularly perceived as hardly eating or shunning away from normal food. How many times have we popped our eyes balls with the thought of 'dieting'! Does the fear kick in because we think it’s torture impossible to sustain or not practical enough? Well, let me expose some of the ridiculous myths associated with the word 'dieting' before you decide for yourself. I will also share a simple formula to create your own diet chart and urge you all to make dieting your way of life rather than simply a crash diet to satisfy the most common weight loss goal. You will enjoy learning this; Dieting does not mean having just boiled food: It's always a good practice to eat home-cooked food but not necessarily boiled food! Just be aware and control the ingredients you add to your calories, dieting is a simple art of science, trust me, you can eat anything under the sun if it is done in a quantified manner! You don't have to eat the same food every day: ...